Metabolism of Anthocyanins and Modulation of Gut Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Graphical abstract
Fawze Alnadari, Mohamed Abdin, Wael Ennab, Amani Mohedein and Mustapha Muhammad Nasiru



Anthocyanins are pigments extracted from different plant parts with a great ability to scavenge anti-inflammatory activity and free radicals. The anthocyanin ingestion promotes the synthesis of gut microbiome and host cells. The anthocyanin metabolism shows large variability between individuals. Inter-individual disparities in the metabolites of anthocyanin could modify the development of particular intestinal bacteria. Pre-clinical trials have ascertained that there was a great correlation between anthocyanin consumption and modification of intestinal immune function. This paper sums up the literature on the useful roles of anthocyanin-rich nutrients in the medication and prevention of inflammatory bowel diseases. This takes into account the modification of the gut microbiome and microorganisms produced. Thus, this review would pave the way for natural remedies for human chronic and intestinal diseases during understanding the uses and mechanisms of anthocyanins.

Published on: December 31, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2020-103
Citation: Alnadari F, Abdin M, Ennab W, Mohedein A, Nasiru MM. 2020. Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 6(4): 207-217.