Antimycotic Properties of Some Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants Against Absidia blakesleeana (A Causative Agent of Mucormycosis: The Black Fungus)

Anchal Sharma, Rajesh Yogi, Ram Prakash Pandey, Pranay Jain, Mehak Jain and Ram Kumar Pundir


In the present study, antidiabetic medicinal plants were screened for antifungal activity against Absidia blakesleeana, a fungus causing mucormycosis (the black fungus). Antidiabetic plants extracts such Ficus religiosa, Catharanthus roseus, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Terminalia arjuna, Morus alba, and Syzygium cumini were used by using disc diffusion method. Fluconazole antibiotic was used as positive control. The qualitative phytochemical compounds such as tannin, saponin, flavonoids, and alkaloids were analyzed. Zone of inhibition was checked and the plant which shows maximum zone of inhibition in taken further for the activity. F. religiosa shows maximum zone of inhibition of 32.5 mm followed by M. alba (20.5 mm) then C. roseus (20 mm) then O. tenuiflorum (20 mm) then S. cumini (19.5 mm) and the minimum zone of inhibition was shown by the plant T. arjuna (14 mm). The qualitative phytochemical compounds such as tannin, saponin, flavonoids, and alkaloids were analyzed in the above mentioned 6 plant extracts. Plants such as O. tenuiflorum and T. arjuna showed the presence of tannin, carbohydrates, saponin, alkaloids, and flavonoids as phytochemical compounds. No phenol and protein were observed in any tested plant aqueous extracts. It can be suggested from the present study that the plant extracts may be used as an alternative to commercially available antibiotics after in vivo study.

Published on: March 15, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-019
Citation: Sharma A, Yogi R, Pandey RP, Jain P, Jain M, et al. 2024. Antimycotic Properties of Some Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants Against Absidia blakesleeana (A Causative Agent of Mucormycosis: The Black Fungus). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S144-S150.
