High Pressure Processing as an Advancement in Food Processing

Rafeeya Shams, Qurat ul eain Hyder Rizvi, Aayeena Altaf, Kshirod Kumar Dash, Aamir Hussain Dar and Hanu Sharma


The increasing interest amongst consumers in healthy, convenient, and minimally processed foods has led food processors to develop novel and non-thermal techniques like high pressure processing (HPP). This technique involves processing moisture-rich solid and liquid foods under high pressure conditions (400 – 1000 MPa). HPP is a promising alternative to the conventional modes of thermal and chemical preservation of food. Numerous studies have claimed the potential of HPP in extending the product shelf-life without compromising its nutritional and organoleptic aspects. This non-thermal approach eliminates harmful and spoilage microorganisms while preserving covalent bonds in food molecules, thereby limiting the effect on nutritional and sensory properties of the product. As compared to heat treatments, HPP has far less of an impact on low molecular weight components like vitamins, pigments, and flavorings. As a result, the quality of high pressure processed foods is quite like that of fresh foods. This paper provides an overview on preservation of foods by HPP including basic principle, process equipment, mechanistic effect on food components, microbial destruction, and applications.

Published on: March 12, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-013
Citation: Shams R, Rizvi QH, Altaf A, Dash KK, Dar AH, et al. 2024. High Pressure Processing as an Advancement in Food Processing. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S101-S110.
