Bacteriocin and Bacterial Cellulose Application in Food Packaging: A Nanotechnology Perspective

Kajal Sharma, Sandeep Kaur, Naveen Kumar, Arjun Chauhan and Nilakshi Chauhan


Food industries are growing rapidly in the world, but simultaneously tons of food get wasted every year due to lack of proper packaging and storage. To acquire pathogen free and stable foods many conventional (drying, freezing, chemical preservatives and pasteurization) and non-conventional methods (use of edible coatings on food stuff, bio-preservation, and use of probiotic coating, alternative modified atmospheres, use of essential oils, etc.) are being explored. With advancement in technology, promising food preserving techniques have been emerged and accepted by the public. The food industry is undergoing a transformation because of nanotechnology, which is one of several extremely advanced technologies, including irradiation, high-pressure processing, and hurdle technology. It not only helps in food preservation but also shows an important role in food packaging, processing, and security. In recent times, a lot of research has been carried out to explain the use of nanotechnology along with biomolecules which proves efficient in safe food packaging. This review paper outlines the use of combination of nanomaterials with two major bacterial metabolites namely bacteriocins and bacterial cellulose in food preservation by evidencing different factors which are responsible for food spoilage and make them unhealthy for consumption. Nanotechnology helps bacteriocins and bacterial cellulose to overcome their limitations and raise their scalability at industrial level.

Published on: March 11, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-011
Citation: Sharma K, Kaur S, Kumar N, Chauhan A, Chauhan N. 2024. Bacteriocin and Bacterial Cellulose Application in Food Packaging: A Nanotechnology Perspective. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S83-S93.
