Development of Spirulina Rich Chocolate and its Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology

Arpit Shrivastava, Shweta Kulshreshtha, Akhilesh Kumar and Anuradha Saini


Chocolate is often a popular choice among children when it comes to sweets, but it should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, emphasizing nutritional variety. The objective of this study was to optimize the formulation of chocolate to develop a protein rich and low-fat chocolate with excellent sensorial attributes. In this study, an algal species, spirulina, was used as a protein source. To optimize the ingredients in the chocolate, the response surface methodology (RSM) Box-Behnken design was applied. The three independent variables were spirulina (%), olive oil (%), and coconut oil (%). Protein-rich chocolate has been successfully formulated using spirulina, olive oil, and coconut oil and protein content was 15.36% in comparison to control 10.09 ± 0.82%. The sensory and textural characteristics of the product were comparable to those of existing branded chocolates in market, including color, flavor, mouthfeel, body and texture, hardness, and fracture ability. The prepared chocolate was rich in functional properties which is good to overcome heart diseases, and malnutrition.

Published on: March 08, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-009
Citation: Shrivastava A, Kulshreshtha S, Kumar A, Saini A. 2024. Development of Spirulina Rich Chocolate and its Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S1-S6.
