A Comparative Analysis of Patient Satisfaction with In-house and Contractual Dietary Services in Hospitals in Chandigarh

Ishan Bakshi, Suresh Chauhan, Madhu Arora and Rekha Kaushik


Diet is incredibly important for treating patients and managing numerous illnesses. A well-balanced diet requires considerable expertise and forethought to produce. Along with contributing to chronic degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, inadequate and inappropriate diets are to blame for under nutrition. In hospitals, patient satisfaction with dietary services is also considered when determining the caliber of the facilities’ food services. The quality of the meal, sanitation, warmth, texture, and other factors are just a few that might affect how satisfied a patient is. Patients who consume contaminated food run the risk of developing additional ailments, whilst those who consume poor-quality food would not receive the proper nourishment. In addition to meeting patients’ nutritional demands, the food served in hospitals must be nutritious and appropriate for their clinical needs. A patient who is satisfied reacts to the clinical treatment considerably better than one who is not. Thus, using patient happiness as the standard for nutritional services is considered as a key component of improving the health care system, along with the growth of other sectors. In order to ascertain how satisfied patients are with the contractual and at-house dietary services offered to them in Chandigarh hospitals, the current study was carried out.

Published on: March 06, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-002
Citation: Bakshi I, Chauhan S, Arora M, Kaushik R. 2024. A Comparative Analysis of Patient Satisfaction with In-house and Contractual Dietary Services in Hospitals in Chandigarh. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S7-S12.
