Horse Gram: A Comprehensive Review of an Underutilized Nutraceutical Pulse Crop

Pranav Padmanabhan, Lerin Biji Mathew, Anugrah Krishna, Karthik Mohan, Chhavi Kulshrestha, Rafeeya Shams, Qurat ul eain Hyder Rizvi and Kshirod Dash


Horse gram, an underutilized pulse with a rich history in traditional medicine, stands out for its diverse nutraceutical benefits. Esteemed for its efficacy in addressing health issues ranging from respiratory conditions to gastrointestinal disorders, kidney stones, and anthelmintic needs, horse gram offers a myriad of therapeutic potentials often overlooked. Historical records and traditional uses emphasize its significance in managing various ailments, showcasing anthelmintic properties, and demonstrating hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and antimicrobial effects. The seeds, particularly rich in dietary antioxidants, serve as remedies for hiccups, fungal and bacterial infections, and parasitic worms. Moreover, horse gram’s non-digestible carbohydrates contribute to diabetes management, while its extracts exhibit anti-hypercholesterolemic effects. Beyond its medicinal applications, horse gram is recognized as a versatile crop, serving both as livestock feed and human food. Its potential as a nutraceutical, forage, and food source in drought-prone and malnourished areas holds considerable untapped promise for further exploration.

Published on: November 15, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-076
Citation: Padmanabhan P, Mathew LB, Krishna A, Mohan K, Kulshrestha C, et al. 2023. Horse Gram: A Comprehensive Review of an Underutilized Nutraceutical Pulse Crop. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S602-S611.
