Assessment of Mustard Genotypes against Aphid Attack (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) under Natural Field Conditions of Muzaffarpur (Bihar)

Matangi Mishra, Kumar Gaurav and Devina Seram


Mustard is one of the main oilseed crops in India as it is a major source of edible oil after groundnut. Both biotic and abiotic factors mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) is one of the serious damaging factors for the crop. In order to identify mustard genotypes with high levels of resistance to the mustard aphid with an emphasis on host plant resistance and minimal chemical use, and to check the per cent oil content as well as the protein percentage after the infestation of the pest in different genotypes, an experiment was carried out for two consecutive years namely: 2017 – 18 and 2018 – 19 during rabi season. For this, forty advanced mustard breeding genotypes with two checks viz., RH 7846 and pusa mustard 25 as tolerant and susceptible were taken, keeping in mind about the seed yield losses and oil content of mustard. It was observed that none of the genotypes were found to be highly resistant (HR) against the mustard aphid. However, two genotypes (namely RGN 444 and I79 PAU) recorded as resistant (R) in both the cropping seasons. The other parameters like seed yield (kg/ha), test weight (1000 seeds weight in g), lipid (oil) and protein percentage (%) were also calculated for few selected genotypes showing differential reactions. The lipid and protein content were recorded maximum in the R genotype, RGN 444 with 27.76%, 27.81% and 22.12%, 22.01% in 2017 – 18 and 2018 – 19, respectively. The minimum values of 19.67, 19.62% protein and 25.12, 25.03% lipid content were recorded in the genotype, NPJ 208 where the infestation level was high. The integration of aphid resistant types, identified in this work, can be used in mustard cultivation and serve as a source for aphid resistance in subsequent breeding efforts.

Published on: November 08, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-054
Citation: Mishra M, Gaurav K, Seram D. 2023. Assessment of Mustard Genotypes against Aphid Attack (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) under Natural Field Conditions of Muzaffarpur (Bihar). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S429-S437.
