Cultivating Change: Computational Strategies for Enhancing Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Developing Countries: A Review

Akhil Sohal, Arshiya Pathania and Chirag Sharma


Governments and development organizations have largely embraced agricultural technologies as efficacious strategies to enhance farm output and reduce poverty. Nevertheless, the implementation of these seemingly beneficial technologies continues to be constrained. This research investigates the fundamental determinants that consistently impact the acceptance and utilization of technology in many settings. It is based on an extensive meta-analysis of 367 regression models extracted from scholarly publications. The findings of our research indicate that there is a positive correlation between the adoption of varied agricultural technology and several parameters, including farmer education, household size, landholding size, access to credit, land tenure, availability of extension services, and participation in agricultural organizations. It is worth noting that technologies categorized as enhanced varieties and chemical inputs exhibit a higher likelihood of adoption on larger farms, which raises inquiries regarding their scalability. The significance of agricultural finance is apparent; nonetheless, it is imperative to evaluate the extent to which farmers face credit constraints, rather than only gauging their access to credit. Furthermore, it is worth noting that while extension services may serve as a substitute for formal education when it comes to better varieties, they are more likely to be complementary in the context of natural resource management methods. The issue of land tenure assumes a prominent role in shaping the adoption and implementation of erosion control strategies, especially for technologies that need extensive planning and long-term commitment. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the factors influencing adoption display significant diversity depending on the technology, cultural setting, and geographical location. Therefore, this study provides mechanism for adoption of agricultural technologies in research and policymakers, highlighting the importance of customizing agricultural technology promotion initiatives to suit specific agricultural and cultural circumstances. Our results not only underscore the importance of tailoring agricultural technology promotion methods to the unique agricultural and cultural conditions of each area but also provide valuable insights for policymakers and adoption researchers.

Published on: November 06, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-047
Citation: Sohal A, Pathania A, Sharma C. 2023. Cultivating Change: Computational Strategies for Enhancing Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Developing Countries: A Review. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S375-S380.
