Performance of Okra Genotypes for Different Quality Parameters

Mohita Srivastava, Khushboo Kathayat and Vinay Kumar Mashkey


The importance of quality parameters in okra is gaining new standards and has created an interest in many food industries. Okra mucilage is used in food, non-food goods, pharmaceuticals and for clarifying sugarcane juices. Its fibers can be used to produce paper, whereas the seed contains a high concentration of protein compared to other protein sources. Therefore, to explore and evaluate the genotypes for quality parameters in selecting better parents in any breeding program. Keeping in view, the study was conducted in the School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University (Jalandhar, Punjab, India), during 2021-2022. Fifteen different genotypes were collected from NBPGR, New Delhi (India). The research was done in a completely randomized design with three replications. Observations were recorded from each genotype randomly per replication for chlorophyll content (mg/100 ml), acidity (%), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g), dry matter (%), iodine content (μg/100 g), crude protein (%), crude fiber (g/100 g), sodium (mg/100 g) and total soluble solids (TSS) (°Brix). The maximum chlorophyll content was noted in genotype IC 169453 (51.8 mg/ml), acidity in IC 169472 (0.28%), genotype IC 169459 recorded maximum ascorbic acid content 18.8 mg/100 g, dry matter in IC 128029 (29.2%), iodine in IC 169472 (3.29 μg/100 g), mucilage in genotype IC 169472 (16.7%), crude protein in IC 169470 (39.4%) which was at par with genotype IC 169451 (38.7%) and IC 169472 (38.1%), respectively. The highest crude fiber was recorded in genotype IC 169453 (6.13 g/100 g), sodium was noted under genotype IC 169472 (28.1 mg/100 g), and the maximum amount of TSS was recorded under genotype IC 169464 (3.97 °Brix). Genotypes such as IC 169472 and IC 169453 expressed their superiority in chlorophyll content, iodine, crude protein, crude fiber, sodium, and TSS of okra. Those genotypes can be used in the development of efficient hybrids.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-037
Citation: Srivastava M, Kathayat K, Mashkey VK. 2023. Performance of Okra Genotypes for Different Quality Parameters. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S285-S290.
