A Sustainable Approach in Rice Bean – An Underutilized Potential Multipurpose Grain Legume

Sanchit Thakur, Arshdeep Singh, Shimpy Sarkar, Anita Jaswal and Iza Fatima


Background: Rice bean (Vigna umbellata) is regarded as a minor food crop in northern India and Nepal and is a neglected legume. The dried seeds are high in nutritional value and are consumed as dal or pulse. Rice beans are an excellent legume crop which produces good yield under a wide range of climatic conditions.
Key features: Rice beans have great potential both for grain yield and forage production and gives descent yield under wide range of climatic conditions. Being a nitrogen fixing legume it can be used as a green manure. In a few areas it is used as a cover crop and is also free from major pests and diseases.
Conclusion: Rice bean is an underutilized multipurpose potential legume crop. Resistancedaptability and resistance to most diseases and pests clearly makes it a crop of choice. Accessions with broad genetic base is the primary need to develop stable high yielding varieties in the crop.

Published on: November 01, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-033
Citation: Thakur S, Singh A, Sarkar S, Jaswal A, Fatima I. 2023. A Sustainable Approach in Rice Bean – An Underutilized Potential Multipurpose Grain Legume. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S 258-S262.
