Foliar application has become the greatest strategy to enhance the micronutrient content in crops among different bio-fortification techniques and also promotes the growth of the plants even in less favourable climates as the nutrients are supplied to the plants at appropriate growth stages. Also, it prevents the depletion of nutrients in the environment and stimulates nutrient translocation in the edible part of the seed. Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) belonging to the Brassicaceae family cultivated in Rabi season. The deficiencies of micronutrients such as zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and nitrogen (N) could significantly threaten public health as well limit the growth of the plant. This experiment aims to determine the impact of foliar applied Zn, Fe, and N and the interactive effect of Zn, Fe, and N on the growth and yield of mustard and also to determine the most efficient economical, treatment of Zn, Fe, and N to enhance oil quality and yield. This experiment was carried out at the Agronomy experimental field, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, in Randomized Block Design experimental design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. Therefore, the results of this experiment determined the influence of foliar-applied Zn, Fe, and N on the growth and yield of the mustard in which RDF +1% Urea Foliar Spray 45 DAS + 0.5% ZnSO4 + 0.5% FeSO4 at 45DAS recorded remarkable variations over all other treatments.
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-014
Citation: Laishram D, Jaswal A. 2023. Interactive Effect of Foliar Application of Zinc, Iron, and Nitrogen on Growth and Productivity of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S100-S107.