Assessment of Dietary Status and Correlated Factors Among Lactating Mothers in Rural Areas of Yamuna Nagar

Sheenam Suri, Prasad Rasane, Priyanka Kriplani, Jyoti Singh and Sawinder Kaur


Lactating mothers are often at augmented risk of nutritional insufficiencies throughout the lactation period owing to physiological variations, unsuitable dietary patterns, and numerous socio-demographic patterns. The present study was undertaken to examine the nutritional status, dietary intake, and correlated factors among lactating mothers of the various villages. A population-based study was steered in the rural area of Yamuna Nagar, Haryana (India) from July-August 2021 that included 203 lactating mothers with annual income below 6 lakhs. To study the participants’ calorie intake and their nutritional status, a standard questionnaire was developed. The data was analyzed using SPSS software using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and independent t-test where p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The result showed a significant difference in the intake of calories that varied with age, body mass index (BMI), annual income, and the nutrients (iron, calcium, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and folic acid) consumed. An insufficient consumption of protein, calcium, folic acid, and sodium was observed followed by the low-calorie uptake. However, the intake of iron and carbohydrates (women with >18 years) was near to adequate in the women of rural areas. Thus, the study concluded that the lactating mothers among rural population have deprived nutritional stores. Appropriate nutritional management and patterns during the lactation period are of major concern.

Published on: October 27, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-021
Citation: Suri S, Rasane P, Kriplani P, Singh J, Kaur S. 2023. Assessment of Dietary Status and Correlated Factors Among Lactating Mothers in Rural Areas of Yamuna Nagar. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S161-S165.
