The Potential of Anti-transpirants: To Enhance Agriculture Irrigation Efficiency and Chemistry of Agri-foods for Controlling Sugar and Chemistry of Beverages

Arka Pakhira and Gritta Elizabeth Jolly


An increase in the population and the change in diet have put enormous pressure on the Indian soil. Farmers struggle to maintain their level of harvesting, soil degradation, water shortages, declines in biodiversity, and more frequent natural disasters. In addition, agriculture accounts for nearly 14 percent of India’s total greenhouse gas emissions. CSA or climate-resilient agriculture can contribute to adapting agricultural systems and attenuating the devastating impact of climate change while producing food and energy sustainably. CSA is an integrated approach to farming, livestock, forests, and fisheries management. It can also solve the interconnected problems of food security and rapid climate change. Smart agricultural practices can help India and the world achieve the following results: increased productivity, improved resilience, reduced emissions, and governmental partnerships, especially in soil and crop management. In order to limit the photosynthetic activity of plants, the use of an anti-transpirant in the field can reduce the accumulation of sugar in berries. This review investigates the role of anti-transpirants in sustainable agriculture, water management, and food safety. The findings indicate that antiperspirants can considerably impair photosynthetic rates, cell conductivity, sugar buildup, and alcohol level in wine. These anti-transpirants can lower crop production costs, increase ripeness, and minimize alcohol intake without altering wine taste characteristics. They can also increase leaf resistance to water vapor dispersion, which reduces plant water stress and influences many agricultural food chemical activities.

Published on: October 24, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-008
Citation: Pakhira A, Jolly GE. 2023. The Potential of Anti-transpirants: To Enhance Agriculture Irrigation Efficiency and Chemistry of Agri-foods for Controlling Sugar and Chemistry of Beverages. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S44-S50.
