A field experiment was conducted to study the “The effect of hydropriming on seed quality, growth and yield of wheat” at the Lovely professional university, University of Agricultural Sciences, Phagwara, Punjab on sandy loam soil under rainfed condition during 2021-2022. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with seven treatment combinations replicated thrice. The treatments consisted of hydropriming control (non-primed), Soaking of seeds in water for 8 hours followed by 2 hours drying, soaking of seeds in water for 8 hours followed by 4 hours drying, the process of immersing seeds in water for a duration of 18 hours, afterwards followed by a period of 2 hours for desiccation. The process of immersing seeds in water for a duration of 18 hours, followed by a subsequent drying period of 4 hours, is examined in terms of its impact on the production and profitability of these seeds. The growth parameters considered in this study are plant height, leaf area index, number of tillers, and total dry matter. Among these parameters, the maximum plant height was seen in treatment T7, measuring 100.2 cm. The process of immersing seeds in water for a duration of 18 hours, afterwards followed by a period of 4 hours for the purpose of drying. However, for leaf area index found in highest in treatment T7(141.7), while number. of tillers and total dry matter found highest in treatment T7(3.97) and (18.2). While in all growth parameters lowest was found in treatment T1(controlled). Significantly higher grain yield (56.6 qt ha-1) was found in treatment T7(Soaking of seeds in water, for 18 hours followed by 4 hours drying) compared to T6 (55.2 qt ha-1 soakin g of seeds in water for 18 hours followed by 2 hours drying soaking of seeds in water) while lowest was observed in treatment T1(48.7 qt ha-1) control (non-primed).
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-011
Citation: Patil MB, Thakur S, Pawar AR, Patil SS, Pandit TR. 2023. The Effect of Hydropriming on Seed Quality, Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S72-S79.