Impact of Seed Hydropriming Duration on Growth and Yield Parameter of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. var. Punjab Suhawani)

Kunal Soga, Ajay Gandhi, Dipika Mal and Satish Krushna Gharde


To overcome the problem of seed germination in okra, can treated with water which are farmers friendly and cost effective. The objective of the experiment was to determine how long okra seeds should be hydroprimed in order to influence the growth and yield parameter of okra. There were eight treatments in which one is unprimed and other seven are primed with distilled water for different durations (T0, unprimed; T1, 2 hours hydroprimed seeds; T2, seeds hydroprimed for 4 hours; T3, seeds hydroprimed for 6 hours; T4, seeds hydroprimed for 8 hours; T5, seeds primed for 10 hours; T6, seeds primed for 12 hours; T7, seeds primed for 14 hours). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data of various parameter likes germination percentage and seedling parameters were recorded to find out the suitable duration of seed hydropriming in okra. Results showed that hydropriming duration of 14 hours recorded maximum plant height at 30, 45, 60 DAS (Days after sowing) and at the time of final harvesting (34.61 cm, 56.97 cm, 67.03 cm and 83.07 cm), maximum number of leaves on plant (9.06, 19.99, 21.00 and 22.61), maximum number of nodes on main plant (16.24), minimum number of days to 50% flowering (36 days), maximum number of fruiting nodes on main stem (11.30 cm) and yield parameter viz., maximum number of pods per plant (12.34), length of pod (11.64 cm), width of pods (1.53 cm), individual pod weight (9.20 g), pod yield per plant (113.47 g), pod yield kg/plot (3.42 kg) and pod yield tons/hectare (16.87) as compared to other hydro priming durations. Priming of okra seeds for different duration facilitates not only faster and uniform germination but also improved seedling vigor, increase nutrient uptake from soil which lead to enhance the crop yield. Therefore it is concluded that both 12 and 14 hours of hydropriming duration had positive effect on germination and seedling growth parameters of okra.

Published on: October 24, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-s1-007
Citation: Soga K, Gandhi A, Mal D, Gharde SK. 2023. Impact of Seed Hydropriming Duration on Growth and Yield Parameter of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. var. Punjab Suhawani). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(S1): S36-S43.
