Bioactive Compounds and Nutritional Quality of Wild Endemic Moroccan Capparis Flower Buds: Capparis atlantica Inocencio

Figure 1
Fatima Zahra El Arnabi, Souad El Hajjaji, Fatima Gaboun, Hamza Iaaich, El Haj El Maadoudi, Aouatif Benali and Khadija Bakhy



This research aims the assessment of nutritional and functional potential of wild endemic Moroccan caper specie Capparis atlantica Inocencio. Proteins, total sugars, lipids, fiber, ash, mineral content, and antioxidant compounds were determined for capers collected from 8 locations in two Moroccan regions (Fes-Meknes (F-M) and Safi (SA)). The dominant nutrients were total sugars (175.35 ± 52.10 %), proteins (27.58 ± 2.07%), and lipids (24.77 ± 1.87%). Fatty acids profile revealed high stearic acid (SteA) content (79.88 g/100 g) followed by palmitic acid (PalA) (17.44 g/100 g) with minor amounts of linolenic acid (1.40 g/100 g), eicosenoic acid (0.49 g/100 g), myristic acid (0.68 g/100 g), and lauric acid (0.14 g/100 g). Mineral average concentration was 539.10 ppm for potassium (K), 611.64 ppm for iron (Fe), and 145.68 for manganese (Mn). Antioxidants analysis revealed considerable amounts in C. atlantica, in particular (21.27 to 22.23 mg EAG/g DW) for polyphenols, (7.27 to 7.30 mg EQ/g DW) for flavonoids, and (1.91 to 1.93 mg EC/g DW) for tannins. Significant differences within regions and locations were observed for several traits. The results of this study highlight the potential nutritional value of C. atlantica species, labelling it as an intelligent food with promising health benefits.

Published on: September 15, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-158
Citation: El Arnabi FZ, El Hajjaji S, Gaboun F, Iaaich H, El Maadoudi EH, et al. 2023. Bioactive Compounds and Nutritional Quality of Wild Endemic Moroccan Capparis Flower Buds: Capparis atlantica Inocencio. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(3): 124-131.
