Physiochemical Properties and Sensory Acceptability of Bread Developed from Wheat-Pumpkin and Common Bean Flour

Abebe Desalegn Melese and Ebisa Olika Keyata



This study aimed to evaluate the bread quality by substituting pumpkin flour and common bean flour in wheat-based composite bread. The four blending ratios of pumpkin, common bean and wheat flour composite bead (2.5:5:92.5, 5:10:85, 10:15:75, and 15:20:65) were prepared and evaluated whole wheat flour (100%) was taken as control. The bread’s proximate composition, functional, and sensory properties were evaluated using standard procedure. Moisture (26.42 – 29.13%), crude protein (9.40 – 12.85%), ash (1.42 – 2.06%), fat (3.60 – 5.22%), and fibre (1.36 – 1.96%) content would increase significantly (p < 0.05) as pumpkin, and common bean flour supplementation increased in the blend. However, composite bread values were lower in carbohydrate (59.15 - 50.73%) and energy contents (306.64 - 301.36%) than in control bread. The physical properties of the bread such as specific volume, loaf volume and hardness were significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by blending ratios. The sensory score of the bread samples showed that the control sample had a significantly (p < 0.05) higher likeness in all the analyzed attributes compared to the composite bread. The overall sensory acceptability evaluated by panelists depicted that the composite flour bread was within an acceptable score rated above five. Substituting up to 10% pumpkin and 15% common bean could not have a significant (p < 0.05) difference from control sample in case of organoleptic attributes.

Published on: February 22, 2023
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2023-145
Citation: Melese AD, Keyata EO. Physiochemical Properties and Sensory Acceptability of Bread Developed from Wheat-Pumpkin and Common Bean Flour. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 9(1): 13-20.
