Principal Components Regression of Internal Egg Quality Traits in Two Exotic Chicken Breeds in Haramaya

Kefelegn Kebede, Ashenafi Getachew and Mengistu Urge



Two exotic chicken breeds, namely Fayoumi, and Koekoek were used in this study to unfold the interdependence among egg quality traits and also to predict egg weight from their orthogonal egg quality traits applying principal component regression. Traits measured included egg weight (EW), albumen height (AH), yolk height (YH), albumen weight (AW), yolk weight (YW), yolk colour (YC), and shell weight (SW). Traits were measured on chickens comprising 967 eggs of Fayoumi, and 772 eggs of Koekoek. Correlations found between investigated traits were positive and highly related (r = 0.614-0.937 in Fayoumi, and 0.496- 0.943 in Koekoek breeds respectively). Three principal components (PCs), (PC1, PC2 and PC3) explaining 65.5% (Fayoumi) and 52.7% (Koekoek) of the overall variation in the original variables, were extracted from the factor solution of the PCA with varimax rotation. In principal component regression models, 89% (Fayoumi) and 86% (Koekoek) of the variability in egg weight is accounted for by the model used. From the results found, it can be seen that the use of principal components’ scores from chickens’ egg quality traits were more appropriate than the use of original traits in egg weight prediction only three components were used and they were all significant. These components could be used in breeding programme as selection criteria for improving egg quality traits.

Published on: August 16, 2022
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2022-132
Citation: Kebede K, Getachew A, Mengistu Urge M. 2022. Principal Components Regression of Internal Egg Quality Traits in Two Exotic Chicken Breeds in Haramaya. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 8(3): 102-107.
