Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Modified Starches of White Yam, Trifoliate Yam and Sweet Potato

Okereke Goodluck Obioma, Igbabul Bibiana Doshima, Ikya Julius K and Araka Olisa



Starches from white yam, trifoliate yam and sweet potato were modified through heat moisture treatment (HMT) and acetylation before investigating their physicochemical and functional properties for applicable utilizations. CWYS (acetylated white yam starch) significantly (p<0.05) gave highest values in: blue value index (49.00%), amylose (33.65%), syneresis (16.25%); and lowest values in: oil absorption capacity (54.33%), solubility (16.40%), amylopectin (66.38%) and gelation concentration (7.00%). PSPS (heat moisture treated sweet potato starch) significantly (p<0.05) yielded the highest values in: water absorption capacity (167.00%), solubility (24.15%) and lowest value in swelling power (5.43%) while CSPS (acetylated sweet potato starch) significantly (p<0.05) scored highest value in viscosity (2.25 Kpa). NTYS (native trifoliate yam starch) significantly (p<0.05) had the highest in oil absorption capacity (104.67%), swelling power (75.50%) and amylopectin (73.60%) but significantly (p<0.05) toddled in blue value index (35.68%), gelation concentration (7.00%) and amylose (26.40%). PWYS (heat moisture treated white yam starch) significantly (p<0.05) scored highest values in gelation concentration (9.00%); while PTYS (heat moisture treated trifoliate yam starch) significantly (p<0.05) was highest in amylopectin (73.60%) and significantly (p<0.05) had lowest values in amylose (26.40%) and syneresis (11.90%). NWYS (native starch of white yam) significantly (p<0.05) had lowest value in viscosity (1.25 Kpa). NSPS (native starch of sweet potato) was significantly (p<0.05) lowest in water absorption capacity (62.50%) while CTYS (acetylated trifoliate yam starch) significantly (p<0.05) yielded lowest values in gelation concentration (7.00%). These results highlighted the potentials of these starches in the manufacture of food additives, condiments, beverages, and bakery products

Published on: June 16, 2022
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2022-126
Citation: Okereke GO, Igbabul BD, Ikya JK, Araka O. 2022. Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Modified Starches of White Yam, Trifoliate Yam and Sweet Potato. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 8(2): 50-60.
