Characterization of Argentinian Honeys Based on their Sugar Profiles and Quality Parameters

Aimará Ayelen Poliero, Inés Aubone, Marisa Amadei Enghelmayer, Valeria Soledad Rosso, Pablo Fernando Müller, Sandra Rosa Fuselli and Rosa María Alonso-Salces



The honeys from the Argentinian provinces of Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Catamarca and Misiones were characterised by the sugar profile (fructose, glucose, sucrose, turanose, maltose and erlose) and the physicochemical parameters (free acidity, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), colour and contents of moisture, ash, total soluble solids and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)) used for honey quality control. Authentic and traceable honey samples (n = 572) collected along five harvests were analysed using the official analytical methods. All honeys met the specifications of the national and/or international standards for the evaluated parameters, which denoted the blossom origin of most honeys, and confirmed their high quality, good maturity and freshness. The influence of the flora and the pedoclimatic conditions of each phytogeographical region on the physical and chemical properties of honey allowed its characterization. Thus, Buenos Aires produced typical lighter honeys, and Misiones and Catamarca, darker ones. Buenos Aires honeys presented particular lower values of pH, EC, ash, HMF and
maltose, and higher concentrations of erlose. Misiones honeys exhibited higher values of moisture, free acidity, EC and turanose amounts, and lower contents of fructose, glucose and total soluble solids. La Rioja honeys showed higher pH and ºBrix values; and Catamarca honeys, higher sucrose contents. To the authors’ knowledge, the sugar profiles and several quality parameters of honeys from Misiones and Catamarca are here reported for the first time, as well as any physical and chemical data on La Rioja honeys.

Published on: April 07, 2022
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2022-123
Citation: Poliero AA, Aubone I, Enghelmayer MI, Rosso VS, Müller PF, et al. 2022. Characterization of Argentinian Honeys Based on their Sugar Profiles and Quality Parameters. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 8(2): 26-37.
