Evaluation of Nutritional Value and Sensory Properties of Moringa oleifera Seed Powder Fortified Sakada (A Cassava-Based Snack)

Tawakalitu Eniola Aruna, Islamiyat Folashade Bolarinwa, Akeem Olayemi Raji, Mutiat Balogun, Maimuna Sani,
Olaide Akintayo and Qudus Kolawole



In Nigeria, cassava (Manihiot esculenta) is grown primarily for production of staples such as gari, lafun and fufu but there is little information on its conversion to nutritious snacks. Sakada is a locally prepared cassava-based snack that is low in protein, vitamins and minerals needed for vital life processes. In this study, sakada was prepared from freshly harvested low-cyanide cassava roots (TME 1 with 7.38 mg HCN/100g) without and withmoringa (Moringa oleifera) seed powder at varying proportions (5–20%), in order to increase its protein, minerals and vitamin A contents. Unfortified sakada was the control. Proximate compositions, vitamin A and mineral contents of the unfortified and fortified sakada samples were determined using standard methods. Unfortified sample had low values of 2.48, 1.91, 2.06 and 0.97 % for crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre and ash contents, respectively, while moringa seed powder fortification significantly increased the proximate compositions (protein: 2.48-6.96 %, fat: 1.91-9.01 %, fibre: 2.06-4.51 %, ash: 0.97-1.41 %), minerals (iron: 1.92-5.5 ppm, calcium: 8.60-9.98 ppm, potassium: 0.64-1.05 ppm) and vitamin A (3.31 – 9.49 mg/100g) contents of the fortified sakada samples. Considering the quality assessments of the fortified product, the results obtained showed that 10% moringa fortified sakada was rated better than other fortified samples as well as the control sample (sakada produced from 100% cassava grit). In conclusion, fortification of sakada with moringa seed powder produced snack with improved nutritional value suitable for adults and children alike.

Published on: June 22, 2021
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2021-113
Citation: Aruna TE, Bolarinwa IF, Raji AO, Balogun MA, Sanni M, Akintayo OA and Kolawole QO. 2021. Evaluation of Nutritional Value and Sensory Properties of Moringa oleifera Seed Powder Fortified Sakada (A Cassava-Based Snack). J Food Chem Nanotechnol 7(3): 54-59.
