The Utilization of Food Waste: Challenges and Opportunities

graphical abstract
Oyenike Makanjuola, Temiloluwa Arowosola and Chenyu Du



Food waste is a global challenge from collection to disposal. The problem associated with food waste is on the increase ranging from its discharged, lost, degradation and contamination. Food wastage can be effectively managed through proper storage, purchasing what is needed and giving excess to those in need. The most effective means of managing food waste is through effective sorting at source and recycling for industrial processes for the production of value added products, thereby reducing the options of incineration and landfilling. Research has been carried out on food waste for the production of energy and other value-added products. This review aims to provide a brief overview of food waste from the farm gate, retailer, household and the impact of the pandemic in the increase of food waste. The potential strategies of effectively management of food waste both in developed and developing countries are discussed.

Published on: October 16, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2020-0100
Citation: Makanjuola O, Arowosola T, Chenyu D. 2020. The Utilization of Food Waste: Challenges and Opportunities. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 6(4): 182-188.