Applying an Ingredient with Antioxidant Activity and its Effect on the Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Cookies

Gisela Fabiani, Silvina Generoso, Karina Costa, Domingo Rosas and Sara Macías



Adding regional flours to the making of crackers is a good alternative to provide more vulnerable population with an affordable and of appropriate nutritional value proposal. The sensorial quality of nutritional foods influences their consumption and this is why knowing the attributes the consumer privileges at the time of their consumption is appropriate. The objectives of this paper were: to evaluate the mesquite flour in nutritional terms and to develop fortified crackers with it, to characterize sensorially the crackers elaborated using the QDA and to evaluate their acceptability. Work was done on sweet crackers formulated out of wheat, mesquite and oat flours for a higher proteinic quality; additionally they were fortified with minerals and chocolate flavored. The mesquite flour brought increased contribution of proteins, fibers and minerals to the formulation of the crackers in addition to that of antioxidant compounds. Using chocolate as the flavoring agent in the production of the crackers resulted in a markedly higher global acceptability punctuation among the infantile population while their sensorial quality was not modified by the addition of mineral fortifiers.

Published on: July 05, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2020-094
Citation: Fabiani G, Generoso S, Costa K, Rosas D, Macías S. 2020. Applying an Ingredient with Antioxidant Activity and its Effect on the Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Cookies. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 6(3): 129-137.