Use of Antibiotics in Animal Production and its Impact on Human Health

Naila A. Oliveira, Bruna L. Gonçalves, Sarah H. Lee, Oliveira CAF and Carlos Humberto Corassin



Bacterial resistance is a natural phenomenon, however, accelerated by human kind due to the accentuated and indiscriminate use of antibiotic in human and animal health. The development of decontamination techniques and risk assessment of indiscriminate use are auxiliary tools for the control and prevention of “super bacteria”, originated from antimicrobial resistance. This research aimed to verify which the most used antibiotics are in animal health, the described and known decontamination methods in the literature, besides the impact of antimicrobial resistance in humans. The results demonstrated the need to carry out activities that involve actions of national and international institutions along with NGOs in order to supervise and control effectively the use of antibiotics. In general, it was possibly to verify a necessity for guidance to the use of antibiotics by means of the diagnosis of diseases, being necessary that the prescription should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian and respecting the grace period of the medicine in order to avoid damages to human health.

Published on: March 15, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2020-082
Citation: Oliveira NA, Gonçalves BL, Lee SH, Oliveira CAF, Corassin CH. 2020. Use of Antibiotics in Animal Production and its Impact on Human Health. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 6(1): 40-47.