A Promising Food Waste for Food Fortification: Characterization of Dried Tomato Pomace and Its Cold Pressed Oil

Zeynep Aksoylu Özbek, Kıvılcım Çelik1, Pelin Günç Ergönül and Ahmet Zeki Hepçimen



In this study, some physicochemical properties of tomato pomace (skins and seeds), which are waste of tomato plants and contain many active food components, were determined. For this purpose, tomato pomace was supplied by a plant in Manisa, Turkey. Firstly, tomato pomaces were dried at 30°C for 12h and then, ground into powder. Physicochemical properties of tomato pomace powder were investigated to determine its suitability as a fortification agent. Ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, dietary fibre contents of dried tomato pomace were 3.55 g/100g, 32.69 g/100g, 15.43 g/100g, 43.31g/100g, and 29.42 g/100g, respectively. Additionally, tomato pomace contained substantial amounts of polyphenolics, flavonoids, and carotenoids. The high CIE a* and b* values indicated the presence of various pigments. Cold–pressed oil of dried tomato pomace was mainly composed of linoleic acid, followed by oleic, and palmitic acids. It is concluded that tomato pomace and oil obtained from dried pomace are promising and valuable ingredients for food fortification due to their unique nutritional properties.

Published on: February 08, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2020-078
Citation: Aksoylu Özbek Z, Çelik K, Günç Ergönül P, Hepçimen AZ. 2020. A Promising Food Waste for Food Fortification: Characterization of Dried Tomato Pomace and Its Cold Pressed Oil. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 6(1): 9-17.