A Review on Microextraction Techniques for Selected Triazole Fungicides Determination in Water and Food Samples

Ane Bordagaray, Esmeralda Millán and Rosa Garcia-Arrona


Triazole fungicides are systemic fungicides applied to protect crops from fungus infections. Its use must be controlled due to the potential harmful effects in environment and human health. Before determination with a chromatographic system, analyte must be isolated and preconcentrated with an extraction step. This review presents the most used microextraction techniques for those compounds in water and several food matrices, mainly solid phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid phase microextraction (LPME) procedures. The most relevant analytical parameters of some studies from the recent literature are collected and also some advantages and disadvantages comparing SPME and LPME procedures are presented.

Published on: August 08, 2016
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2016-021
Citation:  Bordagaray A, Millán E, Garcia-Arrona R. 2016. A Review on Microextraction Techniques for Selected Triazole Fungicides Determination in Water and Food Samples. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 2(3): 128-137.