Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Paper Containing Nanoparticles of Silver Combined with Moisture Absorbers Over Quality of Tuna Snacks

David A. Pereira de Abreu, Miguel A. Lago, Antonio Sartal, Ana Rodríguez-Bernaldo de Quirós and Raquel Sendon


The antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles of silver in an active packaging and the effect of its combination with moisture absorbers over various parameters of the quality of tuna snacks was investigated. As a results, aerobic mesophilic bacteria growth were delayed during the first eight days of study; enterobacteria do not grow in snack tuna samples packaged with nanoparticles of silver and molds and yeasts were inhibited during 10 days by the use of antimicrobial active packaging made with silver nanoparticles. The obtained results showed that silver nanoparticles have an antimicrobial effect on different kinds of bacteria in fish products and the combined effect of silver nanoparticles and moisture absorber leads to achievement of better antibacterial results. This study suggests that the combination of silver nanoparticles and moisture absorbers are shown like a great option for preservation of food quality in elaborated tuna products.

Published on: April 29, 2016
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2016-016
Citation:  Pereira de Abreu DA, Lago MA, Sartal A, Rodríguez-Bernaldo de Quirós A, Sendón R. 2016. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Paper Containing Nanoparticles of Silver Combined with Moisture Absorbers Over Quality of Tuna Snacks. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 2(2): 85-91.