Effect of Flaxseed Gel as an Egg Substitute on the Functional Properties of Cake: A Comparative Analysis

Vishal Sharma, Monica Premi, Vikas Bansal, Ajay Bhardwaj, Narendra Tripathi and Naveen Kumar


Eggs are the primary ingredient responsible for the nutritional value and textural properties of bakery products. However, some consumers nowadays are more interested in health benefits and healthy vegan alternatives. The study’s main goal was to assess the qualities of baked cakes using flaxseed gel (FSG) in varied proportions in place of eggs. The cake was made using the original egg composition as the control sample, and other cake formulations were made using FSG in place of fresh eggs (w/w) at replacement levels of 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. All cakes were evaluated for cake height, volume, moisture content, texture characteristics (toughness, cohesiveness, springiness, and adhesion), and consumer acceptance. The use of flaxseed gel in place of fresh eggs had a statistically significant impact, according to present investigation of the physico-textural properties and overall acceptability. When compared to a control sample, FSG had no detrimental effects on the overall nutritional value of cake recipes. Cake height and textural qualities (such as hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and stickiness) were not significantly different; however, FSG increased the cake’s total fiber content to a level of 50% replacement. It proves that cakes formulated with FSG as a fresh egg replacement are comparable to the control cake in terms of moisture and texture, can be used successfully as an egg substitute in cake compositions up to 50%, and provide a sustainable alternative for egg replacement.

Published on: March 06, 2024
doi: 10.17756/jfcn.2024-s1-001
Citation: Sharma V, Premi M, Bansal V, Bhardwaj A, Tripathi N, et al. 2024. Effect of Flaxseed Gel as an Egg Substitute on the Functional Properties of Cake: A Comparative Analysis. J Food Chem Nanotechnol 10(S1): S1-S6.
